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All prints are Glicee prints, which is a fancy French name for a print similar to a screen print or lithograph


sheep image

Sheep and cheese-Rare Welsh sheep breed

Original art- 62cm x 47cm

Ink on 300 GSM paper





goat image

Goat and cheese, goat cheese

Original art- 62cm x 47cm

Ink on 300 GSM paper




bee image

Australian wild bee. It makes a spiral hive. Australia has many wild bee species. As bees are on the decline maybe we should look at honey made from some of these amazing native insects.

The original has been sold but prints are available


cow image

Endangered Galloway short horn cow.

Brought out to Australia for meat/cheese.

But as big agriculture only wanted animals to produce a mono product this cow became a rarity. Times are changing for this breed.

Original art- 42cm x 29cm

Ink on 300 GSM paper




Local Sheep and cutlets

Original art- 42cm x 29cm

Ink on 300 GSM paper



fingerlime imae

Fingerlime marmalade.

Original art- 42cm x 29cm

Ink on 300 GSM paper


pig image

A pink pig, with Italian sausage.

Original art- 62cm x 47cm

Ink on 300 GSM paper



black pig image

Wessex saddle back pig found also in Tasmania. Some of it is used in Italian style sausage.

Original has been sold but Glicee prints in varying sizes are available


carrot image

Carrots, they come in many colours. In fact the orange is the more recent version, the other colours are heirloom varieties.

Original art- 42cm x 29cm

Ink on 300 GSM paper



Chook and eggs

A pink pig, with Italian sausage.

Original art- 62cm x 47cm

Ink on 300 GSM paper


chook image

Chook and eggs.

Original art- 42cm x 29cm

Ink on 300 GSM paper



fish dish

Fish and plate. Just a little image to get us thinking about fish and their worth to our meals. This bream can be caught around some of the coastal regions of Australia.

Original art- 42cm x 29cm

Ink on 300 GSM paper

pumpkin image

Australian Queensland blue pumpkin. A delicious fruit to eat roasted, in soups and as a mash just to name a few dishes. This variety of pumpkin was developed in Australia during the 20's from old varieties brought over here from Europe. This variety has a tough skin and is able to withstand our climate.

Original art- 42cm x 29cm

Ink on 300 GSM paper